Interviews female fighters

Marcella Blythe Fighter girls Fighter

Marcella Blythe Fighter girls Fighter Marcella began her fighting career in June of 2014 with Golden Tiger’s kids program out of Hanover, ON with Terry & Deanna Sulkye.  She quickly grew to love learning technique and decided to attend the ladies classes to push herself.  That’s where she got her name “Hands of Stone” because she was hitting as hard as some of the ladies who asked her if she had stones in her gloves.

Marcella Blythe Fighter girls Fighter

In the fall, she started her first sessions of freestyle wrestling with the Kitchener Matmen.  Her confidence grew as the season went on and she repeatedly competed with older and more experienced wrestlers with great success due in no small way to her tenacity and exceptional strength.

Marcella Blythe
Marcella Blythe Fighter girls Fighter

Her kickboxing continued parallel to wrestling culminating in the WAKO North American Kickboxing Championships where she won silver at 7 years old in the under-10 class in April 2015.

Summer 2015 saw this young fighter learn judo to complement her wrestling at Kohbukan Sisu Judo & Jiu Jitsu Club under Rob Veltman.

Not being one to sit still, her drive also took her to work with World Champion boxer Fitz ‘The Whip’ Vanderpool at Vanderpool Fitness & Boxing to hone her rapidly developing skills by adding Fitz to her repertoire of trainers.

Marcella Blythe
Marcella Blythe Fighter girls Fighter

One of the highlights of her summer was attending the Ken Chertow Wrestling School in State College, PA where she wrestled 4-5 hours a day for 6 days taking her wrestling to new height.  This fall she will be wrestling with the Junior Guelph Wrestling Club in Guelph, ON.

She also attended an MMA seminar with up and coming pro-fighter Michael Spoenlein where she worked on striking.

She’s currently training 5 days a week and dreaming of representing Canada in the Olympics and eventually reaching the UFC.

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news women's martial arts MMA

Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc Female Fighter

Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc Female Fighter
Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc Female Fighter

Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc Female Fighter Former Invicta FC atomweight superstar, Nicdali “The Night Queen” Rivera-Calanoc, was one of the best pound-for-pound fighters of her generation, before hanging up the gloves for good at the age of 29.

About Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc

Born June 12, 1989, Rivera-Calanoc fought in three different weight classes and was ranked in the top ten in the world in all three. A former freestyle cage fighting champion, “The Night Queen” competed across the globe, including bouts in Japan and Puerto Rico.

She was involved in the first ever pro female MMA bout in Oklahoma, and also earned the unique distinction of ‘Sexiest Staredown of the Year’ for her weigh-in with Felice Herrig in 2011.

Rivera-Calanoc fought several of the top female fighters in the world, including bouts against “Ultimate Fighter” reality show stars Jessica Penne and Angela Magana.

Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc Female Fighter

“The Night Queen” holds victories over a number of high-quality opponents. Under the Invicta FC banner, she earned a unanimous-decision victory over Angelica Chavez.

Earlier in her career, she beat Summer White, Stephanie Palmer, Shoni Esquiro and others. Away from the MMA cage, Rivera-Calanoc is a world-renowned superstar from her work as a bikini model and social media personality.

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Interviews female fighters news women's martial arts MMA

Taylor De La Grange-Mussay

Taylor De La Grange-Mussay started fighting at age 5 and trains out of PHD athletics under Ron Fraizer but started her Fighting With the Late Shawn Tompkins. Her past times are her pageants spending time with her family drawing and just being a kid. She is a huge part of the bully proof fight team in las vegas helping kids understand its ok to let adults know and even Cyber bullying is to be told.

Taylor De La Grange-Mussay

Name: Taylor De La Grange-Mussay (Screamin Demon)

Date of Birth: April 9, 2002

Training: Muay Thai Fighter and Kickboxer

2014 Low Kick Olympic Gold Winner for WAKO

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Sarah Ferrelli Jiu Jitsu Fighter

Sarah Ferrelli has been training in martial arts since the age of 7. She began with the art of Taekwondo and later switched to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu at the age of 15. While she was very active in BJJ competition in high school, she is currently studying Neuroscience at Tulane University where she continues training to one day receive her black belt.

Sarah Ferrelli

Name: Sarah Ferrelli

Age:  20

Sponsors: Member of Fighter Girls Team since March 2010

Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
1st Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo

American Nationals 2011 – 3rd Place Women’s Blue Belt
Pan American Games 2011 – 1st Place Juvenile Girls
World Championships 2011 – 2nd Place Juvenile Girls
American Nationals 2010 – 1st Place Juvenile Girls
Worlds For Kids and Teens 2009 – 1st Place Juvenile Coed
5x Grappler’s Quest Champion
3x NAGA Champion
10x GrapplingX Champion

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Interviews female fighters news women's martial arts MMA

Caitlin Kelley Fighter girl

Caitlin Kelley Fighter girl Caitlin Kelley may seem like a normal 12-year-old with pink hair and a major Justin Bieber obsession, but she’s actually a formidable force in the Mixed Martial Arts world, ranked 13th in the United States in submission grappling. And if that’s not enough to impress you, get this: her nickname is “Meathook.”

Caitlin Kelly Fighter Grappler Boxer

She’s nine years old, she has pink hair, and she loves Justin Bieber. But don’t let that fool you into thinking Caitlin Kelley isn’t into something a little more badass. Kelley, who lives in Tampa, Florida, is actually a very accomplished competitive MMA fighter who pounds a punching bag with her bare hands. If she could, she’d train every single day, but when would she have time to do her homework? Something tells me she’d squeeze it in somehow.

Caitlin Kelley Fighter girl

Caitlin Kelley Fighter girl

At nine, Kelley, who competes under the name “Meathook Kelley” — MEATHOOK, guys, she’s NINE — is a black belt at her Tiger Schulmann‘s gym and has worked her way through the ranks fighting against both boys and girls. She punches, she kicks, she grapples — and she’s won medals, trophies and belts for her skills. In Florida, she’s ranked fourth in submission grappling. In the southeast, she’s seventh, and across the United States she’s at lucky #13. Kelley spends four nights a week at a gym that promotes an attitude of sticking with a challenge, not quitting, and building their self-esteem.

Caitlin Kelly Biography and News about this Female Fighter

But what’s awesome about Kelley’s approach is that she has not compromised her personality or her “typical girl” passions for athletics. She’s a perfect balance, and other girls should take note if they think that sports and a crush on the Bieb are mutually exclusive. This story is super heartwarming because it’s clear that this girl has worked on building up confidence in herself that will guide her through the even tougher years to come — her teenage years. All while still being a young girl. She’s not even 10, and she’s already a role model!

I want her to rule the world and kick ass all the way to the top.

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Lacey Schuckman women MMA fighter

Lacey Schuckman women MMA fighter
Lacey Schuckman women MMA fighter

Lacey Schuckman women MMA fighter Lacey “The Ladie” Schuckman was born on July 16, 2014 and fights out of Denver, CO. She is 5’2″, fighting at a weight of 125lbs in association with The S.H.O.P. Combat Sports & Fitness Center.

A fighter’s record in mixed martial arts can be a seriously misleading piece of information. For every legitimate, undefeated prospect, there are dozens of others that have feasted on less experienced foes to inflate their worth.

In contrast, there are numerous veterans of the sport who have stepped up on short notice or moved up in weight just for an opportunity. These fighters have records that are the most misleading of all.

Lacey Schuckman women MMA fighter

Take 27-year-old strawweight Lacey Schuckman, who began competing in combat sports nearly a decade ago. When the Colorado native was getting her feet wet in the cage, amateur MMA wasn’t even sanctioned in Colorado or Nevada. Schuckman ended up facing fighters far more experienced, sometimes on just a week’s notice.

“In the early days it was really hard to find competitors; it’s why I ended up going pro so quickly,” explained the fighter of her short amateur career. “Now that there’s such an influx, I wish I could go back and do it all over again. But I definitely learned a lot through the whole experience.”

Since turning pro in 2009, Schuckman has been in the cage nearly 20 times. Amongst the names on her resume are three current or former Invicta FC champions: Carla Esparza, Michelle Waterson and Ayaka Hamasaki.

“I wouldn’t say I have any regrets,” said Schuckman with a laugh. “I’ve learned a lot and it’s helped me to get comfortable where I want to compete. It gave me an opportunity to fight a lot of women that not many people can say they fought. I think some of the fights would have been smarter later (or earlier) in my career. Things like that maybe I would change, but I learned so much. That’s the reason I am where I am right now.”

After nearly three years away from the promotion, Schuckman returned to Invicta in 2015, scoring a first-round stoppage of Jenny Liou at Invicta FC 12. But it is one of her previous Invicta appearances that she credits for helping her improve her fight game.

“I took [the Hamasaki fight] on two weeks’ notice, so I wasn’t able to prepare as I should have. But it really showed me what I need to improve on. I thank her a lot for helping me become the new and improved Lacey,” said Schuckman.

Schuckman’s performance against Liou was one of the most dominant of her career. It was a testament to the hard work she’s put in through the years. Instead of waiting for her opponent to attack and looking to counter, it was pedal to the metal for the Colorado fighter.

“I really wanted to go out there and prove to people that I belong in Invicta,” she declared. “I’ve been in this sport so long. I was there before a lot of these girls thought of MMA. I tried to recapture who I was when I first started fighting.

“We really emphasized sticking to the basics. It made me feel really good. I’ve become such a defensive fighter, but in that fight I played my cards for once. It was a blast.”

One of the keys to Schuckman’s success has been her unique training environment. Unlike most fighters who train in large gyms with groups of other combatants, Schuckman and her husband, Randall, operate in a grassroots environment.

Lacey Schuckman women MMA fighter

“Since Randall and I have made this our profession for the last five or six years, the only way we were able to train and fight was to train other people to support our living costs,” revealed Schuckman. “We started our own smaller gym and started bringing in individual coaches. The reason we stand apart is that we are invite-only. We get to pick everyone that we train with. Since we have individual coaches, we get private lessons every day for each individual art.”

Further aiding in Schuckman’s development has been the longtime relationship with her husband. The pair met at 12 years old and Randall has served as Lacey’s coach throughout her MMA career. The closeness of their marriage carries over to fight preparation and keeps the fighter disciplined.

“I can’t ever cheat on my diet,” joked Schuckman. “And I always have to get mitts in, even if it’s at midnight. He’s always thinking of things. When you live with your coach, they’re always like do this or do that. It’s definitely very hard, but it helps me a lot because I’m always under the scrutiny of my coach.”

The dedication and hard work that Schuckman has put in through her lengthy career helped her gain the respect of her peers and many in the sport. So when she called out Japanese young gun Mizuki Inoue, it came as no surprise that her request was obliged for Invicta FC 15 on Jan. 16 in Costa Mesa, Calif.

“I’m really excited for this fight because me and her match up very similarly,” said Schuckman. “We’ve both fought some of the toughest competition in our weight classes and we both started very young.

“I have the age and experience on her, which plays to my favor. She’s got a karate background; I’ve got a karate background. I think stylistically, we’re going to match up well. She’s a tough enough challenge that people are casting me as the underdog.

“Hopefully people will get to see what I can do and join my side for once. It’s going to be a striking war. We’re going to throw some hands.”

With a career that has had its fair share of ups and downs, multiple weight classes, short-notice fights and the likes, Schuckman has been through more than most fighters could ever imagine. Through thick and thin, she’s fought through and persevered to get back to the sport’s highest level.

“It’s very exciting to be on the main stage and be featured on a promotion like Invicta,” she said. “I always hoped and always dreamed big. I always hoped I’d be a part of it.”

Although her record might be misleading, Schuckman has earned the right to be someone else’s anyone, anywhere opportunity.

Lacey would like to thank her head coach and husband, Randall Schuckman, her BJJ professor Joaquin Baca, her boxing coach Steve Mestas, her wrestling coach Mike Laurita, her Muay Thai coach Don Lee, all of her teammates at Team Goonies, her sponsors: 90 Degree by Reflex, Martial Arts Life Apparel, Fighter Girls, Grit Mouthguards, MMA Roadhog Racing, Mass Destruction MMA, Qalo Rings, Eyefight Sports Nutrition, Tan Time, Smokin’ Photos, Oral IV, Dr. Jessica Riechert, DC and Xionx Maximum Performance Bands, her manager, Rosa at White Buffalo Fight Management, and last but not least, all of the private and gofundme donors.

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