Marcella Blythe Fighter girls Fighter

Marcella Blythe Fighter girls Fighter Marcella began her fighting career in June of 2014 with Golden Tiger’s kids program out of Hanover, ON with Terry & Deanna Sulkye.  She quickly grew to love learning technique and decided to attend the ladies classes to push herself.  That’s where she got her name “Hands of Stone” because she was hitting as hard as some of the ladies who asked her if she had stones in her gloves.

Marcella Blythe Fighter girls Fighter

In the fall, she started her first sessions of freestyle wrestling with the Kitchener Matmen.  Her confidence grew as the season went on and she repeatedly competed with older and more experienced wrestlers with great success due in no small way to her tenacity and exceptional strength.

Marcella Blythe Fighter girls Fighter

Her kickboxing continued parallel to wrestling culminating in the WAKO North American Kickboxing Championships where she won silver at 7 years old in the under-10 class in April 2015.

Summer 2015 saw this young fighter learn judo to complement her wrestling at Kohbukan Sisu Judo & Jiu Jitsu Club under Rob Veltman.

Not being one to sit still, her drive also took her to work with World Champion boxer Fitz ‘The Whip’ Vanderpool at Vanderpool Fitness & Boxing to hone her rapidly developing skills by adding Fitz to her repertoire of trainers.

Marcella Blythe Fighter girls Fighter

One of the highlights of her summer was attending the Ken Chertow Wrestling School in State College, PA where she wrestled 4-5 hours a day for 6 days taking her wrestling to new height.  This fall she will be wrestling with the Junior Guelph Wrestling Club in Guelph, ON.

She also attended an MMA seminar with up and coming pro-fighter Michael Spoenlein where she worked on striking.

She’s currently training 5 days a week and dreaming of representing Canada in the Olympics and eventually reaching the UFC.

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