Fighter girls clothing gear sponsorship program

Fighter girls clothing gear sponsorship program Hello ladies, Fighter girls will be opening up the 2015 sponsorship program from Fighter girls for a bunch of great sports MMA, Grappling, Boxing, Crossfit and many other sports. Social media is really important to us so when applying make sure you have a current profile page loaded up on the Fightergirls site!

Fighter girls clothing gear sponsorship program

The new site will open many doors up for you and connect with people who also enjoy your sport! Fighter girls does not ask you to stop training to just post but we do ask that each of our featured athletes take time to post on the Fighter girls site about your training, your sport with updated pictures. We get a lot of girls and women that inquire about this program so we will give you some hints how to get a sponsorship #1 have a great profile on the Fighter girls site!

I strongly believe you can never have enough content #2 get social media to your Fighter girls page by twitter, Facebook and all those great tools out there! #3 Be a good role model even if you are a fighter! You can be the badass in the cage outside be a role model #4 younger girls are required to have good grades and also a role model #5 love our products and website because Fighter girls is a family here!

Fighter girls clothing gear sponsorship program

Fighter girls will be keeping a close look on your page to see your likes, replies, and page views!  This will make us come to you and offer you a Fighter girls sponsorship program!  Keep your page fesh and keep ;oading up news and blogs about training, working out, events, and fights. The more information you put on your profile and send people to the pages makes your chances better!

Thank you and good luck!

Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay
Taylor De La Grange-Mussay

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